We offer a wide range from idea level to the latest vases of implementation of IOT solutions and cyberspace for your business

IOT solutions, business analysis, design, development and implementation

Analysis of the idea

We perform a comprehensive analysis of business and production needs of our customers. On this basis, we offer conceptual solutions and technologies covering the needs of our customers.

Analysis of results and requirements

Conducting in-depth meetings and conversations to initialize our ideas with the needs and requirements of our clients and partners.

Design of models and solutions

Design of hardware and software models according to the requirements and needs of the realization of the sensors and sensory networks of our artists

Implementation and testing of prototypes

We prototype our solutions, including sensors, sensor networks, software and hardware solutions based on the requirements of our client and modern technologies.

Implementation and testing of prototypes

After the prototyping phase, we offer our customers the opportunity to test hardware and software solutions to ensure that they meet their needs and expectations.

Serial production of sensors and sensor networks

After passing all the phases, we provide the opportunity for mass production and testing of end sensors with unlimited business scope and all the associated sensor networks and software necessary for the operation of the final product.

Behaviour management

Know-how sharing and analysis

We offer our skills and abilities in the field of building personal hardware and software solutions in the field of sensors and sensor networks for every business

Social Engineering Services

We strive to approach our clients and partners with maximum understanding and expertise in order to offer them optimal hardware and software solutions.

Information Security

The security of projects and information of our clients and partners is protected by us to ensure the continuity of ideas and projects.